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INI File  |  2014-11-30  |  72KB  |  2,145 lines

  1. [General]
  2. LangEditor=1.5
  3. Ahnenblatt=2.84
  4. LangName=English [English]
  5. LangID=1033
  6. [MainForm]
  7. Up.Hint=Previous 10 children
  8. Down.Hint=Next 10 children
  9. Swap.Hint=Next spouse
  10. Edit.Hint=Edit person
  11. Zurueck.Hint=goto last person
  12. Vor.Hint=goto next person
  13. PicLast.Hint=previous picture
  14. PicNext.Hint=next picture
  15. Add.Hint=add child
  16. TBDateiOeffnen=Open
  17. TBDateiOeffnen.Hint=Open file
  18. TBDateiSpeichern=Save
  19. TBDateiSpeichern.Hint=Save file
  20. TBPersonEingeben=New
  21. TBPersonEingeben.Hint=New person
  22. TBGeheZu=Go to
  23. TBGeheZu.Hint=Go to
  24. TBPlausi=Plausibility
  25. TBPlausi.Hint=Plausibility check
  26. TBAngleichen=Adjust
  27. TBAngleichen.Hint=Adjust data
  28. TBSortieren=Sort
  29. TBSortieren.Hint=Sort family
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  31. TBListeDrucken.Hint=Create list
  32. TBTafelDrucken=Tree
  33. TBTafelDrucken.Hint=Create tree
  34. TBSuchenNach=Search
  35. TBSuchenNach.Hint=Search for
  36. TBHilfe=Help
  37. TBHilfe.Hint=Help
  38. TBTipp=Tip
  39. TBTipp.Hint=Tip of the day
  40. TBPosterdruck=Poster print
  41. TBPosterdruck.Hint=Poster print
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  43. ToolButton2.Hint=Exit program
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  84. Dateiffnen=Open...
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  87. GEDCOMDatei1=GEDCOM file
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  90. Backupdatei1=Backup file
  91. DateiHinzufgen=Add...
  92. DateiSpeichern=Save
  93. DateiSpeichernunter=Save as...
  94. Ahnendatei2=Ahnenblatt file
  95. GEDCOMDatei2=GEDCOM file
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  104. GedcomImportReport=Import report...
  105. SendenperMail=Send as &email...
  106. Eigenschaften=&Properties...
  107. Druckereinrichten1=Printer &setup...
  108. DateiBeenden=&Exit
  109. Bearbeiten=E&dit
  110. BearbeitenPersoneingeben=&New person...
  111. BearbeitenGehezu=&Go to...
  112. BearbeitenGruppelschen=Delete g&roup...
  113. BearbeitenFehlendeVerbindungen=Plausibility &check
  114. zumnchstenFehler1=G&o to entry with error
  115. Datenangleichen=Adjust data...
  116. BearbeitenFamiliesortieren=Sort family
  117. Verschmelzen=Merge persons...
  118. Ansicht=View
  119. Symbolleiste1=Toolbar
  120. BigIconsItem2=Large symbols
  121. IconTextItem2=Symbol texts
  122. AnpassenItem2=Customize...
  123. zurStartpersongehen1=Go to start person
  124. Vornamenzuerstanzeigen1=Show first names first
  125. nurRufnamenanzeigen1=Show nicknames only
  126. Bildausblenden1=Hide picture
  127. Personentextkopieren=Copy person
  128. Personenblattdrucken1=Print person sheet
  129. Navigatordrucken1=Print navigator
  130. NavigatorfarbeFestlegen1=Change navigator color...
  131. Liste=&Create
  132. Erstellen1=&List
  133. Ahnenliste1=&Ancestors list...
  134. Stammliste1=&Descendant list...
  135. Familienliste1=&Family list...
  136. Geburtstagsliste1=Birthday list...
  137. Personenbltter1=&Person sheets...
  138. Tafel1=&Tree
  139. Ahnentafel1=&Ancestors Tree...
  140. AhnentafelPoster1=Ancestors Tree (poster)...
  141. StammtafelPoster1=Family tree (&poster)...
  142. SanduhrPoster1=Hour&glass (poster)...
  143. Suchen=&Find
  144. SuchenSuchennach=&Find...
  145. SuchenSuchenwiederholen=Find &next
  146. SuchenErsetzen=Replace...
  147. Extras=E&xtras
  148. AnzeigenGemeinsamerVorfahr=C&ommon ancestor...
  149. AlleBilderzeigen=Show all &picture/files...
  150. Statistik=&Statistics
  151. Geschlecht1=&Gender
  152. Geburtsnamen1=&Birth name
  153. Vornamen1=&First name
  154. Orte1=&Location
  155. Berufe1=&Occupation
  156. Konfessionen1=&Religion
  157. Lebend1=&Alive
  158. AnzahlKinder1=Number of &children
  159. AlterLebende1=Age of persons alive
  160. AlterVerstorbene1=Age of persons deceased
  161. AlterbeiHeiratweiblich1=Age at marriage (female)
  162. AlterbeiHeiratmnnlich1=Age at marriage (male)
  163. AlterbeierstemKindweiblich1=Age at birth of first child (female)
  164. AlterbeierstemKindmnnlich1=Age at birth of first child (male)
  165. Kalender1=Ca&lendar...
  166. Zeichentabelle=&Character map...
  167. Vornamensliste1=List of &first names...
  168. Bildersuchen1=Search for picture/files...
  169. Optionen1=&Options...
  170. Tools=&Tools
  171. FamiliezumPalm1=Transfer to &Palm PDA
  172. PalmSync=&Start...
  173. WasistPlucker1=&What is plucker?
  174. Navigator1=&Navigator
  175. HTML1=HTML photo album
  176. Sprache=&Language
  177. MenuItemInhalt=&Help
  178. TippszurEingabe=Tips for input...
  179. TippdesTages1=&Tip of the day...
  180. AhnenblattHomepage=Ahnenblatt homepage
  181. Internetlinks1=Web links
  182. MenuItem1berAhnenblatt=&About...
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  200. AnpassenItem=Customize...
  201. Personaufrufen=Edit person
  202. Bildausblenden=Hide picture
  203. Personaufrufen1=Edit person
  204. alsStartpersonfestlegen=Choose as start person
  205. Vornamenzuerstanzeigen=Show first names first
  206. nurRufnamenanzeigen=Show nicknames only
  207. zurStartpersongehen=Go to start person
  208. Personenblattdrucken=Print person sheet...
  209. Navigatordrucken=Print navigator
  210. NavigatorfarbeFestlegen=Change navigator color...
  211. PaintBoxClose=Close
  212. Willkommen1=Welcome...
  213. SVGDatei1=SVG file
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  232. TBOrtsverwaltung.Hint=Administration of Places
  233. DateiSuchen=Search...
  234. AhnenblattSupportHomepage=Ahnenblatt's support website
  235. BackgroundColor=background color
  236. TBPercent2=percentage
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  238. ProgressBar.Hint=Store recovery information
  239. [SuchNachForm]
  240. $CAPTION=Search and replace
  241. OK=OK
  242. Abbruch=Cancel
  243. Optionen=Options...
  244. SuchSeite=Search
  245. Label1=Search for:
  246. alleWoerter=All words (AND function)
  247. einesderWoerter=At least one word (OR function)
  248. genauerText=Exact text
  249. PhonetischeSuche=Phonetic search
  250. SuchlistSeite=Search list
  251. Laden=&Load...
  252. Speichern=&Save...
  253. ErsetzSeite=Replace
  254. Label2=Search for:
  255. Label3=Replace with:
  256. Suchliste=Show list of search result first
  257. GeschlosseneGruppe=Customized search group
  258. CompleteField=identical with whole data field
  259. [ListDruckForm]
  260. $CAPTION=Print list
  261. Inklusive=including
  262. Zusaetze=Notes
  263. Quellen=Sources
  264. Kirchliches=Church
  265. Ueberschrift=Creator
  266. Optionen2=&Options...
  267. Abbruch=Cancel
  268. OK=OK
  269. TabSheet1=Ancestors list
  270. Label2=Create a list of all ancestors of a selected person.
  271. GroupBox1=Sorting
  272. Kennziffern=by indices
  273. Staemme=by root
  274. ALOptionen=&Options...
  275. TabSheet2=Descendants list
  276. Label3=Create a list of all descendantes of a selected person.
  277. GroupBox2=Related by marriage
  278. alsAnhang=as appendix
  279. imText=within text
  280. weglassen=exclude
  281. GroupBox5=Descendants
  282. Label16=Descendants to print:
  283. ZuDruckendeNF.0=only males
  284. ZuDruckendeNF.1=same name
  285. ZuDruckendeNF.2=all
  286. TabSheet3=Family list
  287. Label4=Create a list of all persons. Roots are sorted by surnames.
  288. GroupBox3=Sorting of roots
  289. alphabetisch=Alphabetically
  290. chronologisch=Chronologically
  291. TabSheet4=Birthday list
  292. Label5=Create a Birthday list of all persons.
  293. GroupBox4=Options
  294. nurLebende=Only living persons
  295. Kurznamen=Only nicknames
  296. TabSheet5=Person sheets
  297. Label1=Create individual Person sheets with all data.
  298. GroupBox6=Options
  299. cbPrintPics=with pictures
  300. TntGroupBox1=events
  301. cbGeburtstage=birthdays
  302. cbHochzeitstage=wedding anniversary
  303. cbTodestage=date of death
  304. [GemVorfahrForm]
  305. $CAPTION=Common ancestor
  306. OK=OK
  307. [GVAuswahlForm]
  308. $CAPTION=Common ancestor
  309. PersonGroup1=1st Person (last name, first name)
  310. PersonGroup2=2nd Person (last name, first name)
  311. OK=OK
  312. Abbruch=Cancel
  313. [ALOptionenForm]
  314. $CAPTION=Ancestors list - options
  315. welcheLinie=Which line
  316. alle=all
  317. Stammlinie=Descendants line
  318. Mutterstamm=Maternal line
  319. sortierennach=Sort by
  320. Kennziffern=Indices
  321. Stmme=Roots
  322. welcheGenerationen=Which generations
  323. Generationen=generations
  324. alle1=all
  325. biszurGeneration=Up to generation
  326. dieletzten=The last
  327. GeschwisterauchalsProbanden=Siblings also as proband
  328. OK=OK
  329. Abbruch=Cancel
  330. [GLoeschenForm]
  331. $CAPTION=Delete group
  332. Auswahlkriterium=Selection for choice
  333. Label1=Max. search depth:
  334. CheckGLVw=Relatives of...
  335. CheckGLSB=Search for...
  336. CheckGLAL=Ancestor (direct) of...
  337. CheckGLSL=Descendant (direct) of...
  338. CheckGLAlle=Individual selection
  339. CheckGLALalle=Ancestor (complete) of...
  340. CheckGLSLalle=Descendant (complete) of...
  341. Lschen=Delete
  342. CheckGLAUSW1=Selection
  343. CheckGLAUSW2=Except selection
  344. OK=Next
  345. Abbruch=Cancel
  346. CheckGLLebende=Only living persons
  347. [GruppenLoeschFrage]
  348. $CAPTION=Delete group
  349. Zeile1=Delete all persons, which are NOT ...
  350. Zeile3=... belong.
  351. Frage=Delete the selected persons?
  352. Label1=Number of persons marked to be deleted:
  353. ButtonJa=Yes
  354. ButtonNein=No
  355. MarkAlle=Select all
  356. MarkKeine=Select none
  357. [PersSuche1Form]
  358. $CAPTION=Search person
  359. Label1=Birth Name:
  360. Label2=First name(s):
  361. OK=OK
  362. Abbruch=Cancel
  363. NameGroupBox=name
  364. GeschlechtLabel=Gender:
  365. GeschlechtCB.0=male
  366. GeschlechtCB.1=female
  367. GeschlechtCB.2=unknown
  368. [PersSuche2Form]
  369. $CAPTION=Go to ...
  370. Person=Person (birth name, first name)
  371. EingabedialogOeffnen=Open input dialogue
  372. OK=OK
  373. Abbruch=Cancel
  374. [PersSuche3Form]
  375. $CAPTION=Go to ...
  376. PersonGroupBox=Person (birth name, first name)
  377. Proposals=Proposals
  378. AllPersons=All persons
  379. Button1=Selection...
  380. OK=OK
  381. Abbruch=Cancel
  382. PersonVorschlagen=Suggest person...
  383. [KalenderForm]
  384. $CAPTION=Calendar
  385. MonatCB.0=January
  386. MonatCB.1=February
  387. MonatCB.2=March
  388. MonatCB.3=April
  389. MonatCB.4=May
  390. MonatCB.5=June
  391. MonatCB.6=July
  392. MonatCB.7=August
  393. MonatCB.8=September
  394. MonatCB.9=October
  395. MonatCB.10=November
  396. MonatCB.11=December
  397. OK=OK
  398. [InfoForm]
  399. $CAPTION=About Ahnenblatt
  400. OK=OK
  401. Label2=Homepage
  402. Label3=Email
  403. [BlattForm]
  404. SBtnZZZurueck.Hint=To first person
  405. SBtnZZurueck.Hint=To previous initial letter
  406. SBtnVor.Hint=To Next Person
  407. SBtnVVVor.Hint=goto last person
  408. SBtnCancel.Hint=Cancel
  409. SBtnOK.Hint=Ok
  410. SBtnVVor.Hint=To next initial letter
  411. SBtnZurueck.Hint=To previous person
  412. SBtnDelete.Hint=Delete person
  413. SBtnClipboard.Hint=Copy to clipboard
  414. GroupBox2=Person
  415. LabelGN=Birth Name:
  416. LabelVN=First names:
  417. Labelga=Born on
  418. Labelin=in
  419. LabelBeruf=Occupation:
  420. Labelgestorbenam=Died on
  421. Labelpin3=in
  422. Label18=Gender:
  423. GeschlechtCB.0=male
  424. GeschlechtCB.1=female
  425. GeschlechtCB.2=unknown
  426. TSEltern=Parents
  427. SBGeschwister=Siblings...
  428. SBEhen=Marriages...
  429. SBKinder=Children...
  430. GroupBox1=Parents
  431. VaterLoeschen.Hint=Delete entry
  432. MutterLoeschen.Hint=Delete entry
  433. VaterButton=Father:
  434. MutterButton=Mother:
  435. TSGeschwister=Siblings
  436. GeschwGroupBox=Siblings
  437. GeschwLoeschen01.Hint=Delete entry
  438. GeschwLoeschen02.Hint=Delete entry
  439. GeschwLoeschen03.Hint=Delete entry
  440. GeschwLoeschen04.Hint=Delete entry
  441. GeschwLoeschen05.Hint=Delete entry
  442. GeschwLoeschen06.Hint=Delete entry
  443. GeschwLoeschen10.Hint=Delete entry
  444. GeschwLoeschen07.Hint=Delete entry
  445. GeschwLoeschen11.Hint=Delete entry
  446. GeschwLoeschen08.Hint=Delete entry
  447. GeschwLoeschen12.Hint=Delete entry
  448. GeschwLoeschen09.Hint=Delete entry
  449. TSEhen=Marriages
  450. EhenGroupBox=Marriages
  451. Label3=on
  452. Label4=in
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  456. Label7=in
  457. Label8=on
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  460. EheLoeschen02.Hint=Delete entry
  461. EheLoeschen03.Hint=Delete entry
  462. EheLoeschen04.Hint=Delete entry
  463. ButtonEhe01=with
  464. ButtonEhe02=with
  465. ButtonEhe03=with
  466. ButtonEhe04=with
  467. TSKinder=Children
  468. KindGroupBox=Children
  469. KindLoeschen01.Hint=Delete entry
  470. KindLoeschen04.Hint=Delete entry
  471. KindLoeschen07.Hint=Delete entry
  472. KindLoeschen10.Hint=Delete entry
  473. KindLoeschen11.Hint=Delete entry
  474. KindLoeschen08.Hint=Delete entry
  475. KindLoeschen05.Hint=Delete entry
  476. KindLoeschen02.Hint=Delete entry
  477. KindLoeschen03.Hint=Delete entry
  478. KindLoeschen06.Hint=Delete entry
  479. KindLoeschen09.Hint=Delete entry
  480. KindLoeschen12.Hint=Delete entry
  481. TSKirche=Church
  482. GroupBox8=Religion
  483. TSTaufe=Baptism
  484. GroupBox9=Baptism
  485. Labeltam=on
  486. Labelinder=in
  487. Labelzu=in
  488. LabelPaten=Godparents:
  489. TaufeIn.Hint=Church
  490. TaufeZu.Hint=Place
  491. TSEinsegnung=Confirmation
  492. GroupBox12=Confirmation
  493. Label1=on
  494. Label13=in
  495. Label14=in
  496. EinsegnungIn.Hint=Church
  497. EinsegnungZu.Hint=Place
  498. TSBegraebnis=Funeral
  499. GroupBox13=Funeral
  500. Label15=on
  501. Label16=in
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  503. GroupBox5=Notes
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  505. GroupBox6=Sources
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  514. PicSave=Save file...
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  527. vLabelGN=Birth Name:
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  532. vLabelgestorbenam=Died on
  533. vLabelpin3=in
  534. vLabel18=Gender:
  535. vLabelTitel=Title:
  536. vLabelZN=Middlename:
  537. vLabelNN=Last name:
  538. vLabelSN=Nickname:
  539. vGeschlechtCB.0=male
  540. vGeschlechtCB.1=female
  541. vGeschlechtCB.2=unknown
  542. Eintragloeschen=Delete entry
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  544. Verbindungloeschen=Remove connection completely
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  547. PreviewButton.Hint=Preview
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  549. GebOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  550. GestOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  551. EheOv01.Hint=Administration of Places
  552. EheOv02.Hint=Administration of Places
  553. EheOv03.Hint=Administration of Places
  554. EheOv04.Hint=Administration of Places
  555. TaufeOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  556. EinsegnungOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  557. BegrOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  558. TSPartner=partner
  559. PartnerGroupBox=partner
  560. LabelUnverheiratet01=not married
  561. LabelUnverheiratet02=not married
  562. LabelUnverheiratet03=not married
  563. LabelUnverheiratet04=not married
  564. unverheiratet01.Hint=not married
  565. unverheiratet02.Hint=not married
  566. unverheiratet03.Hint=not married
  567. unverheiratet04.Hint=not married
  568. PicAdd.Hint=Add Files
  569. PicDel.Hint=Remove picture
  570. TSPerson=Person
  571. TSName=name
  572. LabelGN2=Birth Name:
  573. LabelVN2=First names:
  574. LabelNPFX=title/prefix:
  575. LabelSPFX=surname prefix:
  576. LabelNICK=nick name:
  577. LabelNSFX=suffix:
  578. LabelRufname=main name:
  579. ButtonEheMehr01.Hint=more...
  580. ButtonEheMehr02.Hint=more...
  581. ButtonEheMehr03.Hint=more...
  582. ButtonEheMehr04.Hint=more...
  583. SavePictureDialog1.Filter=All files (*png;*.tiff;*.tif;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.ico;*.emf;*.wmf)|*.png;*.tiff;*.tif;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.ico;*.emf;*.wmf|Portable Network Graphic (* png)|*.png|TIFF file (* tiff)|*.tiff|TIFF file (* tif)|*.tif|Graphics Interchange Format (* gif)|*.gif|JPEG Image (* jpg)|*.jpg|JPEG Image (* jpeg)|*.jpeg|Windows Bitmap (* bmp)|*.bmp|Icon (* ico)|*.ico|Extended Meta File(* emf)|*.emf|Windows Meta File (*.wmf)|*.wmf
  584. [OptionenForm]
  585. $CAPTION=Options
  586. Allgemein=General
  587. Label2=Navigator background color:
  588. AllgemeineOptionen.0=Show last 5 files in the file menu
  589. AllgemeineOptionen.1=Upper and lower case in person search fields
  590. AllgemeineOptionen.2=Show startup window at programm start
  591. AllgemeineOptionen.3=Automatic completion of input fields
  592. AllgemeineOptionen.4=Load last file at program start
  593. AllgemeineOptionen.5=Large symbols in toolbar
  594. AllgemeineOptionen.6=Symbol text in toolbar
  595. AllgemeineOptionen.7=Only nicknames for siblings/spouse/children
  596. AllgemeineOptionen.8=No birth names for siblings/children
  597. AllgemeineOptionen.9=Hide picture
  598. AllgemeineOptionen.10=Only nicknames in navigator
  599. AllgemeineOptionen.11=Treat "Einsegnung" as confirmation
  600. AllgemeineOptionen.12=Gedcom report after import
  601. AllgemeineOptionen.13=Erase all connection when a person is deleted
  602. AllgemeineOptionen.14=Warn if "New person" is added to an existing family
  603. AllgemeineOptionen.15=Message after function "Sort family"
  604. AllgemeineOptionen.16=Apply change of name to all references
  605. AllgemeineOptionen.17=Confirm when adding pictures from removable devices
  606. AllgemeineOptionen.18=Ask when new person is created
  607. AllgemeineOptionen.19=Confirm saving HTML formats without privacy policy
  608. AllgemeineOptionen.20=Warn if not all data could saved as csv file
  609. AllgemeineOptionen.21=Confirm when changing name of place in administration of places
  610. Panel1=General
  611. Verzeichnisse=Folders
  612. AhnPathDescription=Genealogical files:
  613. SBPathDescription=Search term files:
  614. TxtPathDescription=Output files:
  615. PicPathDescription=Image files:
  616. TafelPicPathDescription=Background files:
  617. Panel2=Folders
  618. TntGroupBox1=Options
  619. Label18=Number of Backup files:
  620. lAutoSpeichern=Minutes
  621. InfoText=Info after opening a family
  622. cbAutoSpeichern=Save backup files every
  623. Suche=Search
  624. Suchbereich=Search options
  625. MarkAlle=Select all
  626. MarkKeine=Select none
  627. VorGeburtsnamen=First/Birth names
  628. Beruf=Occupation
  629. Datumsfelder=Date fields
  630. Ortsfelder=Local fields
  631. Eltern=Parents
  632. Partner=partner
  633. GeschwisterKinder=Siblings/Children
  634. brigeKirchenfelder=Church
  635. Quellen=Sources
  636. Zustze=Notes
  637. bereinstimmungen=Matches
  638. alleSuchbegriffe=all search words
  639. mindestenseinSuchbegriff=at least one search word
  640. nurganzeWrter=complete words only
  641. GroKleinschreibung=match upper/lower case
  642. Panel3=Search
  643. Drucken=Print
  644. LinkTafeln=Trees
  645. LinkAllgemein=General
  646. LinkListen=Lists
  647. LinkStammtafelPoster=Family Tree (poster)
  648. LinkAhnentafelPoster=Ancestors Tree (poster)
  649. Label36=Choose one of these option:
  650. Panel4=Print
  651. GroupBox7=Text modules
  652. geboren=born:
  653. getauft=baptized:
  654. geheiratet=married:
  655. eingesegnet=consecrate:
  656. gestorben=died:
  657. begraben=buried:
  658. GroupBox8=Page margins
  659. oben=Top:
  660. cm2=cm
  661. cm1=cm
  662. rechts=Right:
  663. cm=cm
  664. links=Left:
  665. unten=Bottom:
  666. cm3=cm
  667. TntPanel1=General
  668. DruckenListen=Lists
  669. TntPanel3=Lists
  670. Schrift=Font (only for Lists)
  671. Name=Name:
  672. Gre=Size:
  673. Fontwhlen=Select font...
  674. ReplaceNewlines=Word wrap in flow texts (notes, sources)
  675. DruckenTafeln=Trees
  676. TntPanel4=Trees
  677. Label11=Vertical distance to edge (relative to frame width):
  678. Label13=Thickness of connections:
  679. TafelUeberschriftCB=Tree title
  680. RBStandard=Standard
  681. RBEigene=Individual:
  682. UseBackgroundPictureCB=Use background picture
  683. BackgroundPictureProportionalCB=Keep original proportion of picture
  684. MitBildCGB=Print pictures of persons
  685. Label14=Image effects:
  686. TafelbilderCB.0=Normal
  687. TafelbilderCB.1=Black-and-white
  688. TafelbilderCB.2=Sepia
  689. DruckenAhnentafelPoster=Ancestors Tree (poster)
  690. TntPanel5=Ancestors Tree (poster)
  691. NichtAlleGenAT=Only up to generation
  692. GeschwisterAT=Siblings
  693. GwNichtAlleGenAT=Only up to generation
  694. GwNachkommenAT=Descendants of siblings
  695. GwPartnerAT=Partners of siblings (starting from 2nd generation)
  696. PartnerBox=partner
  697. PartnerAT=Spouse of proband and their siblings
  698. PartnerPartnerAT=Spouses of spouses
  699. StiefelternAT=Step-parents
  700. StiefgeschwisterAT=Step and half siblings
  701. DruckenStammtafelPoster=Family Tree (poster)
  702. TntPanel6=Family Tree (poster)
  703. Label16=Which descendant roots to follow?
  704. NichtAlleGenST=Only up to generation
  705. ProbandenGeschwisterST=Siblings
  706. ZuDruckendeNF.0=Only male
  707. ZuDruckendeNF.1=same name
  708. ZuDruckendeNF.2=all
  709. PartnerST=partner
  710. PartnerSTNFL=Only at selected descendant roots
  711. PartnerPartnerST=Spouses of spouses
  712. Gedcom=Import GEDCOM
  713. GroupBox3=Scenario
  714. Szenariowahl.0=Gedcom
  715. Szenariowahl.1=Gedcom English
  716. Szenariowahl.2=Gedcom original
  717. Panel5=Import GEDCOM
  718. TabSheetIE=Ignore/replace
  719. NotesActive=Save unknown GEDCOM text in ΓÇ₧NotesΓÇ£ field
  720. SourcesActive=Save unknown GEDCOM source infos in ΓÇ₧SourceΓÇ£ field
  721. ReplaceOnly=Ignore not replaceable GEDCOM text
  722. IgnoreActive=Ignore
  723. IgnoreLabel=one GEDCOM word per row
  724. ReplaceActive=Replace
  725. ReplaceLabel=Format: GEDCOM tag\~new text
  726. TabSheetDF=Date format
  727. GroupBox6=Date format of input fields
  728. Label8=Example:
  729. Label9=Format:
  730. Label10=Date separator:
  731. cbDatumsformat.0=DD.MM.YYYY
  732. cbDatumsformat.1=MM.DD.YYYY
  733. cbDatumsformat.2=YYYY.MM.DD
  734. cbDatumsformat.3=YYYY.DD.MM
  735. Datenschutz=Privacy policy
  736. GBDSLebende=Living people
  737. RBDSLnurName=Name only
  738. RBDSLBeruf=Name, occupation, religion
  739. RBDSLohneDatum=Everything without dates
  740. RBDSLalleFelder=All fields
  741. CBDSLAnmerkungen=Notes
  742. CBDSLQuellen=Sources
  743. CBDSLBilder=Pictures
  744. GroupBox1=Living people
  745. Label1=Max. age:
  746. Label3=years
  747. Label4=Applies by missing dying date:
  748. GroupBox2=Deceased
  749. Label5=Minimum
  750. Label6=years dead
  751. Label7=... treat otherwise as living
  752. RBDSValleFelder=All fields
  753. RBDSVwieLebende=Like "Living people"
  754. Panel6=Privacy policy
  755. TabSheet2=File association
  756. RGAhnDatei=Ahnenblatt file (*.ahn)
  757. RGAhnDatei.0=do not associate with Ahnenblatt
  758. RGAhnDatei.1=iIf not associated, associate with Ahnenblatt
  759. RGAhnDatei.2=always associate with Ahnenblatt
  760. RGGedDatei=GEDCOM file (* ged)
  761. RGGedDatei.0=do not associate with Ahnenblatt
  762. RGGedDatei.1=iIf not associated, associate with Ahnenblatt
  763. RGGedDatei.2=always associate with Ahnenblatt
  764. LinkAhn=Associate now
  765. LinkGed=Associate now
  766. Panel7=File association
  767. Plausi=Plausibility check
  768. Panel8=Plausibility check
  769. GroupBox4=General
  770. PlausiOptionen.0=Check during input
  771. PlausiOptionen.1=Check for duplicated persons
  772. PlausiOptionen.2=Check for existing picture/files
  773. PlausiOptionen.3=Check for unknown gender
  774. PlausiOptionen.4=Check for persons without connections
  775. PlausiOptionen.5=Check for amount of underscores in first name
  776. PlausiOptionen.6=Check if dates are in the future
  777. GroupBox5=Age limits
  778. Label20=Minimum age of mother at birth of a child:
  779. Label21=Maximum age of father at birth of a child:
  780. Label22=Minimum age at marriage:
  781. Label23=Maximum age difference between spouses:
  782. Label24=Maximum age difference between siblings:
  783. Label25=Maximum age of a person:
  784. Label26=years
  785. Label27=years
  786. Label28=years
  787. Label29=years
  788. Label30=years
  789. Label31=years
  790. Label15=Maximum age of mother at birth of child:
  791. Label17=years
  792. OK=OK
  793. Abbruch=Cancel
  794. TabTreeView.0=General
  795. TabTreeView.1=General
  796. TabTreeView.2=Folders
  797. TabTreeView.3=Search
  798. TabTreeView.4=Print
  799. TabTreeView.5=General
  800. TabTreeView.6=Lists
  801. TabTreeView.7=Trees
  802. TabTreeView.8=Family Tree (poster)
  803. TabTreeView.9=Pictures
  804. TabTreeView.10=Ancestors Tree (poster)
  805. TabTreeView.11=Family Tree (poster)
  806. TabTreeView.12=Import GEDCOM
  807. Speichern1=Save
  808. Kopieren1=Copy...
  809. Lschen1=Delete...
  810. SaveDialog=Save GEDCOM scenario
  811. SaveDialog.Filter=GEDCOM dialogue (* ini)|*.ini
  812. OpenPictureDialog=Add Files
  813. OpenPictureDialog.Filter=Windows Bitmap (* bmp)|*.bmp|Graphics Interchange Format (* gif)|*.gif|JPEG Image (* jpg, *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG-Grafikdatei (*.png)|*.png|Windows Meta File(* wmf, *.emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|All Pictures (* bmp, *.gif, *.jpg;*.jpeg, *.wmf, *.emf)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.wmf;*.emf|All Files (*.*)|*.*
  814. PreviewButton.Hint=Preview
  815. PlausiOptionen.7=Check if date entries are GEDCOM-compatible
  816. Anzeige=General
  817. TntPanel2=General
  818. TntGroupBox2=show details
  819. TntTabSheet1=complete
  820. Label19=complete
  821. TntTabSheet2=source management
  822. Label32=source management
  823. TntTabSheet3=event details
  824. Label33=event details
  825. TntTabSheet4=little
  826. Label34=little
  827. TabTreeView.13=Privacy policy
  828. TntLabel5=minimum distance to border:
  829. TntLabel6=mm
  830. BackgroundPictureCutOffCB=crop image if necessary
  831. TntGroupBox3=representation of background image
  832. RBBehindChart=only behind tree
  833. RBCompleteCanvas=over the entire drawing area
  834. TabSheetGeneral=General
  835. AskUser=ask, how to deal with unknown data
  836. TntLabel7=dpt.
  837. UseBackgroundColorCB=use background color
  838. BgColor1.Hint=top color
  839. BackgroundColorGradientCB=gradient
  840. BgColor2.Hint=bottom color
  841. ColorSwap=change colors
  842. ColorPropose=suggest color
  843. Brighter=brighter
  844. Darker=darker
  845. TntGroupBox4=color of lines
  846. BtnLineColor.Hint=color of lines
  847. RBLineColorLikeHeader=same as header
  848. RBOwnLineColor=seperate color ...
  849. Hintergrund=Family Tree (poster)
  850. TntPanel7=Family Tree (poster)
  851. TabTreeView.14=File association
  852. TntTabSheet5=Pictures
  853. TntPanel8=Pictures
  854. BilderInnerhalbRahmenCB=within frames
  855. TabTreeView.15=Plausibility check
  856. UseDefaultPicsCGB=standard images for persons without pictures
  857. NoFileTextM=file not found
  858. NoFileTextW=file not found
  859. SelectFemalePic=female...
  860. SelectMalePic=male...
  861. DefPicBgTransparentCB=transparent background
  862. geschieden=divorced:
  863. LinkHintergrund=Family Tree (poster)
  864. LinkBilder=Pictures
  865. TntLabel8=standard sets:
  866. TntLabel1=- source management- note management- picture management
  867. TntLabel2=- source management- note preferred as text- pictures assign induvidually
  868. TntLabel3=- assign each event source, note text and/or image
  869. TntLabel4=- source, note or image just generally per person
  870. ProbandPartnerVorfahrenAT=ancestors of partners of proband
  871. MorePersons=more persons
  872. TntCheckBox1=all ancestors (if representable)
  873. TntCheckBox2=all descendants (if representable)
  874. MehrVorfahrenAT=all ancestors (if representable)
  875. MehrNachkommenAT=all descendants (if representable)
  876. AllgemeineOptionen.22=auto-correction of dates while input process
  877. MorePersonsAT=more persons
  878. MorePersonsST=more persons
  879. MehrVorfahrenST=all ancestors (if representable)
  880. MehrNachkommenST=all descendants (if representable)
  881. [TafelDruckForm]
  882. $CAPTION=Print Tree
  883. Optionen2=&Options...
  884. Abbruch=Cancel
  885. OK=OK
  886. TabSheet1=Ancestors Tree (per page)
  887. Label2=Create a tree of all ancestors of a selected person (per page).
  888. GroupBox1=Settings
  889. Label3=Number of generations (per page):
  890. NichtAlleGen=Only up to generation
  891. TabSheet2=Ancestors tree
  892. Label8=Create a tree of all ancestors of a selected person (as poster).
  893. GroupBox5=Settings
  894. Label9=Width of the person's frames (in mm):
  895. Label12=Position of start person:
  896. Label14=Style:
  897. StartPosAT.0=top
  898. StartPosAT.1=bottom
  899. ATStilCB.0=classic
  900. ATStilCB.1=classic with siblings of proband
  901. ATStilCB.2=Blackboard [3 generations]
  902. ATStilCB.3=Blackboard [4 generations]
  903. ATStilCB.4=with all siblings
  904. TabSheet3=Family tree
  905. Label10=Create a tree of all descendants of a selected person (as poster).
  906. GroupBox6=Settings
  907. Label11=Style:
  908. Label13=Width of the person's frames (in mm):
  909. Label16=Position of start person:
  910. StartPosST.0=top
  911. StartPosST.1=bottom
  912. STStilCB.0=classic
  913. STStilCB.1=Direct descendants
  914. STStilCB.2=Descendants with spouses
  915. STStilCB.3=Large relationship tree
  916. TabSheet4=Hourglass
  917. Label15=Creation of a combined tree of all ancestors and descendants of a selected person (as poster).
  918. GroupBox8=Settings
  919. Label17=Width of the person's frames (in mm):
  920. Label18=Position of start person:
  921. Label19=Ancestor:
  922. Label20=Root:
  923. StartPosSU.0=Descendant on top
  924. StartPosSU.1=Ancestor on top
  925. SUATStilCB.0=classic
  926. SUATStilCB.1=Blackboard [3 generations]
  927. SUATStilCB.2=Blackboard [4 generations]
  928. SUSTStilCB.0=classic
  929. SUSTStilCB.1=Direct descendants
  930. SUSTStilCB.2=Descendants with spouses
  931. SUSTStilCB.3=Large relationship tree
  932. TabSheetDarstellung=Representation
  933. GroupBox2=Frames
  934. Label1=Male:
  935. Label5=Female:
  936. NoFileTextM=file not found
  937. NoFileTextW=file not found
  938. GroupBox3=Fonts
  939. Label6=Title:
  940. Label7=Frames:
  941. TabSheetDaten=Data
  942. GroupBox9=Selection
  943. TafelDatenListe.0=First name
  944. TafelDatenListe.1=Birth Name
  945. TafelDatenListe.2=Occupation
  946. TafelDatenListe.3=Religion
  947. TafelDatenListe.4=Date of birth
  948. TafelDatenListe.5=Place of birth
  949. TafelDatenListe.6=Date of death
  950. TafelDatenListe.7=Place of death
  951. TafelDatenListe.8=Wedding date
  952. GroupBox4=Options
  953. NurErsterVorname=Only nicknames
  954. NurErsterVorname.Hint=Instead of first names print nicknames only
  955. OrtstexteKuerzen=Shorten city names
  956. OrtstexteKuerzen.Hint=Print cities without extras
  957. NurJahreszahlen=Years only
  958. NurJahreszahlen.Hint=Shorten dates to years
  959. MitBild=With pictures
  960. MitBild.Hint=Print first picture of every person
  961. AlternativKirchdatum=baptism/funeral instead
  962. AlternativKirchdatum.Hint=Use baptism/funeral if birth/death unknown
  963. UnbekanntesDatum="..." if date is unknown
  964. UnbekanntesDatum.Hint=Use "..." if date is unknown
  965. ATStilCB.5=Large relationship tree
  966. SUATStilCB.3=with all siblings
  967. SUATStilCB.4=Large relationship tree
  968. SUATStilCB.5=Large relationship tree
  969. TntGroupBox1=frames
  970. TntGroupBox2=heading
  971. TitelInklusive=title/prefix
  972. TitelInklusive.Hint=print title/prefix of name
  973. ATStilCB.6=Large relationship tree
  974. ATStilCB.7=Larger relationship tree
  975. STStilCB.4=Larger relationship tree
  976. SUATStilCB.6=Larger relationship tree
  977. SUSTStilCB.4=Larger relationship tree
  978. [PrintDialogForm]
  979. $CAPTION=Print
  980. GroupBox1=Printer
  981. Label1=Name:
  982. GroupBox2=Printing range
  983. Label2=From:
  984. Label3=to:
  985. PrintAll=All
  986. PrintActPage=Current page
  987. PrintPages=Pages
  988. GroupBox3=Copies
  989. Label4=Number:
  990. PrintCollate=Sort
  991. OK=OK
  992. Abbruch=Cancel
  993. [DatenangleicherForm]
  994. $CAPTION=Adjust data
  995. GroupBox1=General
  996. Ascii2Ansi=Correct "Umlauts" if necessary (ASCII to ANSI)
  997. TrimFields=Remove leading/following spaces
  998. GeschwisterErneuern=Renew connections to siblings
  999. OK=OK
  1000. Abbruch=Cancel
  1001. GKPChange=Parents/siblings/spouses/children
  1002. GKPVornamen=First name
  1003. GKPRufname=Only nickname
  1004. GKPAlleVornamen=All first names
  1005. GKPGebname=Birth Name
  1006. GKPKeinGebname=Omit at siblings/children
  1007. GKPImmerGebname=Use always
  1008. GebnameLassen=Birth name
  1009. GebnameGross=Only upper case (EXAMPLE)
  1010. GebnameGrossKlein=Upper and lower case (Example)
  1011. Uebernehmen=Apply
  1012. RepairDateFields=unify date fields to short format
  1013. [HTMLOptionenForm]
  1014. $CAPTION=HTML options
  1015. GroupBox1=heading
  1016. OK=OK
  1017. Abbruch=Cancel
  1018. TabSheet1=User-defined
  1019. GroupBox2=Page color
  1020. Label1=Normal text
  1021. Label2=Link text
  1022. Label3=Text of active links
  1023. Label4=Text of used links
  1024. Label5=Background (if no picture back.jpg was found)
  1025. Label6=Mouseover links
  1026. Label7=Fonts:
  1027. SampleText1=Normal text
  1028. SampleText2=Link text
  1029. SampleText3=Selected links
  1030. SampleText4=Used links
  1031. SampleText5=Mouseover links
  1032. TabSheet2=Template
  1033. GroupBox3=Options
  1034. Bildausgabe=Pictures on person page
  1035. Datenschutz=Privacy policy
  1036. nurerstesBild=only first picture
  1037. [StatistikForm]
  1038. $CAPTION=Statistics
  1039. TabSheet1=Diagram
  1040. TabSheet2=Details
  1041. OK=OK
  1042. Speichern=Save file...
  1043. StatistikSaveDialog=Save statistics
  1044. StatistikSaveDialog.Filter=CSV file (* csv)|*.csv| Windows Bitmap (* bmp)|*.bmp| Graphics Interchange Format (* gif)|*.gif | JPEG Image (* jpg)|*.jpg|Portable network Graphic (* png)|*.png| TIFF Image (*.tif)|*.tif
  1045. TabSheet3=terms
  1046. [SuchlisteForm]
  1047. Person=Persons (last name, first name)
  1048. OK=&Go to...
  1049. Abbruch=Cancel
  1050. AllesErsetzen=Replace all
  1051. [VNListForm]
  1052. $CAPTION=List of first names
  1053. TabSheetInfo=Info
  1054. Label1=Ahnenblatt uses a mechanism to determine a person's gender.
  1055. Label2=This helps to reduce the effort during the input. However this mechanism may be wrong in some cases.
  1056. Label3=To enhance this mechanism, additional first names can be added.
  1057. Label5=NOTE:
  1058. Label6=Normally, nothing has to be changed here.
  1059. Label7=You should only add individual first names if you recognize an error of the program's mechanism.
  1060. TabSheet1=male
  1061. GroupBox1=Male first names (one per line)
  1062. TabSheet2=female
  1063. GroupBox2=Female first names (one per line)
  1064. OK=OK
  1065. Abbruch=Cancel
  1066. [NavigatorForm]
  1067. Up.Hint=Previous 10 children
  1068. Down.Hint=Next 10 children
  1069. Swap.Hint=Next spouse
  1070. Edit.Hint=Edit person
  1071. Zurueck.Hint=goto last person
  1072. Vor.Hint=goto next person
  1073. PicLast.Hint=previous picture
  1074. PicNext.Hint=next picture
  1075. Add.Hint=add child
  1076. [PicViewForm]
  1077. GoButton=Go to ...
  1078. PicturePanel=Picture not found
  1079. SBtnZZZurueck.Hint=First picture
  1080. SBtnZurueck.Hint=Previous picture
  1081. SBtnVor.Hint=Next picture
  1082. SBtnVVVor.Hint=Last picture
  1083. SBtnCancel.Hint=Close
  1084. [KinderForm]
  1085. $CAPTION=Children
  1086. ButtonOK=OK
  1087. ButtonNein=Cancel
  1088. LabelVater=Father, first name
  1089. Label1=Selection of common children of married couple ...
  1090. LabelMutter=Mother, first name
  1091. LabelName=Name, first name
  1092. Label3=Selection of children of ...
  1093. [ElternteilForm]
  1094. $CAPTION=Second parent
  1095. Label1=Selection of second parents of ...
  1096. LabelKind=Child, first name
  1097. ButtonOK=OK
  1098. ButtonNein=Cancel
  1099. [ElternForm]
  1100. $CAPTION=Parents
  1101. Label1=Selection of parents of ...
  1102. LabelKind=Child, first name
  1103. ButtonOK=OK
  1104. ButtonNein=Cancel
  1105. GroupBox1=Father
  1106. GroupBox2=Mother
  1107. [EigenschaftenForm]
  1108. $CAPTION=Properties
  1109. TabSheet1=Created by
  1110. Label1=Name:
  1111. Label2=Address line:
  1112. TabSheet2=Starting person
  1113. Label6=Current:
  1114. Startperson=Start person in navigator
  1115. Startperson.0=[1] Determined by program mechanism
  1116. Startperson.1=[2] Last selected person
  1117. Startperson.2=[3] Current selected person
  1118. Startperson.3=No changes
  1119. TabSheet4=Date format
  1120. GroupBox1=Date format of input fields
  1121. Label7=Example:
  1122. Label8=Format:
  1123. Label9=Date separator:
  1124. cbDatumsformat.0=DD.MM.YYYY
  1125. cbDatumsformat.1=MM.DD.YYYY
  1126. cbDatumsformat.2=YYYY.MM.DD
  1127. cbDatumsformat.3=YYYY.DD.MM
  1128. TabSheet3=General
  1129. Label3=Type:
  1130. Label4=Location:
  1131. Label5=Size:
  1132. Label10=Program version:
  1133. OK=OK
  1134. Abbruch=Cancel
  1135. StartPersonOption1=last displayed person
  1136. StartPersonOption2=fixed person
  1137. Personenwahl=people choice
  1138. cbSchreibschutz=write protection
  1139. [PersonenAuswahlForm]
  1140. $CAPTION=Selected person
  1141. LabelPerson=Name, first name
  1142. Label1=To select...
  1143. ButtonOK=OK
  1144. ButtonNein=Cancel
  1145. NeuePerson=New person
  1146. Proposals=Proposals
  1147. AllPersons=All persons
  1148. [PlausiForm]
  1149. $CAPTION=Plausibility check
  1150. Person=Person(s)
  1151. Optionen=Options...
  1152. PlausiOption=Check during input
  1153. Speichern=Save file...
  1154. Reparatur=Correct
  1155. ReportSaveDialog=Save report
  1156. ReportSaveDialog.Filter=Text file (* txt)|*.txt
  1157. [BildgroesseForm]
  1158. $CAPTION=Dimension of picture
  1159. GroupBox1=Recommended maximum size
  1160. Label1=Width in pixels:
  1161. Label3=Height in pixels:
  1162. GroupBox2=Selected size
  1163. Label5=Height in pixels:
  1164. Label6=Width in pixels:
  1165. OK=OK
  1166. Abbruch=Cancel
  1167. SizeInfoText=info about size
  1168. ProportionalCB=maintain aspect ratio
  1169. TntGroupBox1=Dimension of picture
  1170. TntLabel1=width in mm:
  1171. TntLabel3=height in mm:
  1172. TntGroupBox2=resolution
  1173. TntLabel6=dpi:
  1174. ResInfoText=info about resolution
  1175. [VerschmelzerForm]
  1176. $CAPTION=Merging
  1177. VerschmolzenTab=Merged
  1178. VerschmolzenPersonLabel=x persons...
  1179. NichtVerschmolzenTab=not merged
  1180. NichtVerschmolzenPersonLabel=x persons...
  1181. NochPruefenTab=still to check
  1182. PruefPersonLabel=x persons...
  1183. OK=OK
  1184. Speichern=Save file...
  1185. Pruefen=Check...
  1186. VerschmelzReportSaveDialog=Save report
  1187. VerschmelzReportSaveDialog.Filter=Text file (* txt)|*.txt
  1188. [MsgBoxForm]
  1189. $CAPTION=Info
  1190. MsgOption=Show again
  1191. MsgBoxOK=OK
  1192. MsgBoxNo=No
  1193. MsgBoxYes=Yes
  1194. [TBAnpassenForm]
  1195. $CAPTION=Customize toolbar
  1196. ButtonOK=OK
  1197. ButtonNein=Cancel
  1198. [GedcomFehlerForm]
  1199. $CAPTION=Import report
  1200. Allgemein=General
  1201. Ignoriert=Ignored
  1202. Ersetzt=Replace
  1203. Uebernommen=Adopt
  1204. Sonstiges=Other
  1205. Optionen=Options...
  1206. OK=OK
  1207. Speichern=Save file...
  1208. ShowGRCheckBox=Gedcom report after import
  1209. GedcomReportSaveDialog=Save report
  1210. GedcomReportSaveDialog.Filter=Text file (* txt)|*.txt
  1211. [VerschmelzlisteForm]
  1212. $CAPTION=Merging
  1213. Person=Duplicate persons (last name, first name)
  1214. MarkAlle=Select all
  1215. MarkKeine=Select none
  1216. OK=Start
  1217. Abbruch=Cancel
  1218. Hinzufuegen=Add...
  1219. [PersonenAuswahlForm2]
  1220. $CAPTION=Person selection
  1221. OK=OK
  1222. Abbruch=Cancel
  1223. Person=Persons (last name, first name)
  1224. MarkAlle=Select all
  1225. MarkKeine=Select none
  1226. [GeschlechterForm]
  1227. $CAPTION=Correct
  1228. GroupBox1=Gender
  1229. Label18=Gender:
  1230. GeschlechtCB1.0=male
  1231. GeschlechtCB1.1=female
  1232. GeschlechtCB1.2=unknown
  1233. Label1=Gender:
  1234. GeschlechtCB2.0=male
  1235. GeschlechtCB2.1=female
  1236. GeschlechtCB2.2=unknown
  1237. OK=OK
  1238. Abbruch=Cancel
  1239. [FormatForm]
  1240. $CAPTION=Format output
  1241. GroupBox1=Printer
  1242. Label1=Name:
  1243. Label3=Paper size:
  1244. GroupBox2=Size
  1245. Label5=Height (in pages):
  1246. Label6=Width (in pages):
  1247. Label2=Width of the person's frames (in mm):
  1248. OK=OK
  1249. Abbruch=Cancel
  1250. GroupBox3=Orientation
  1251. Hochformat=Portrait
  1252. Querformat=Landscape
  1253. Optimierung=Optimization
  1254. TntTabSheet1=Pages
  1255. TntTabSheet2=Format
  1256. TntLabel1=Format:
  1257. TntLabel2=height:
  1258. TntLabel3=widht:
  1259. Formatwahl.0=A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
  1260. Formatwahl.1=A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)
  1261. Formatwahl.2=A2 (420 mm x 594 mm)
  1262. Formatwahl.3=A1 (594 mm x 841 mm)
  1263. Formatwahl.4=A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm)
  1264. Formatwahl.5=A00 (1189 mm x 1682 mm)
  1265. Formatwahl.6=Letter (8,5" x 11")
  1266. Formatwahl.7=Tabloid (11" x 17")
  1267. Formatwahl.8=Broadsheet (17" x 22")
  1268. Formatwahl.9=18" Paper (18" x 24")
  1269. Formatwahl.10=24" Paper (24" x 36")
  1270. Formatwahl.11=36" Paper (36" x 48")
  1271. Formatwahl.12=Crown (20" x 15")
  1272. Formatwahl.13=Double Crown (20" x 30")
  1273. Formatwahl.14=Quad Crown (40" x 30")
  1274. Formatwahl.15=Double Quad Crown (60" x 40")
  1275. Formatwahl.16=User-defined
  1276. Masseinheit.0=inch
  1277. Masseinheit.1=centimeter
  1278. Masseinheit.2=millimeter
  1279. TntLabel5=minimum border (in mm):
  1280. TntTabSheetSeiten=Pages
  1281. TntTabSheetGroesse=size
  1282. [CSSSelectForm]
  1283. $CAPTION=CSS selection
  1284. GroupBox1=CSS file
  1285. Label1=In the destination folder is (at least) one CSS file.
  1286. Label2=Which CSS file should be used?
  1287. OK=OK
  1288. [TinyTafelForm]
  1289. $CAPTION=TinyTafel ΓÇô Address of ancestor researcher
  1290. VorundZuname=First and last Name:
  1291. Adresszeile=Address line:
  1292. Adresszeile1=Address line:
  1293. Adresszeile2=Address line:
  1294. Telefonnummer=Telephone number:
  1295. Label1=Name:
  1296. Label2=Address line:
  1297. OK=OK
  1298. Abbruch=Cancel
  1299. [$CONSTANTS]
  1300. Version=Version
  1301. NoSearchItems=No search words available!
  1302. NoDelPersons=No persons found for deletion.
  1303. ManyPersonsDeleted=In '%s' were %d persons deleted.\nSave as new name?
  1304. ChangedFile='%s' was changed.\nSave changes?
  1305. SaveNewFamily=Save new family?
  1306. PictureSwitchedOff=Hide picture
  1307. PictureNotFound=Picture not found
  1308. NoPicture=no picture
  1309. CommonAncestor=Common ancestor
  1310. NoCommonAncestor=No common ancestor available.
  1311. CreateAList=Create list
  1312. CreateAncestorList=Create ancestors list
  1313. YoungestPerson=Proband/youngest person (last name, first name)
  1314. CreatePedigreeList=Create descendants list
  1315. OldestPerson=Progenitor/oldest person (last name, first name)
  1316. Printing=Print
  1317. PageXOfY=Page %d of %d
  1318. ExportAList=Export List
  1319. ExportAncestorList=Export ancestors list
  1320. ExportPedigreeList=Export descendants list
  1321. AlreadyPersonsEntered=There are already persons entered.\nThe function 'new person...' should only be selected if no relations to already available persons exist.\nEntering a new person should always be proceeded from already existing persons (Details can be found in the help file under 'Tips & Tricks / How to start entering family data?').\n\nShould the new person be entered anyway?
  1322. NewPerson=New person
  1323. KnownPerson=Known persons
  1324. MarkPersons=Mark persons...
  1325. DelGroupAncestorsDirect=Delete group - ancestors (direct)
  1326. DelGroupPedigrees=Delete group - descendants (direct)
  1327. DelGroupAncestorsComplete=Delete group - ancestors (complete)
  1328. DelGroupPedigreesComplete=Delete group - descendants (complete)
  1329. StartPerson=Selected person (last name, first name)
  1330. DelGroupRelatives=Delete group - relatives
  1331. DeletePersons=Delete persons...
  1332. HelpFileNotFound=Help file not found...
  1333. NewFamily=new family
  1334. JoinDuplicatePersons=Should duplicated persons be connected?
  1335. Ahnenblatt-Familie=Ahnenblatt family
  1336. GEDCOM-Datei=GEDCOM file
  1337. TooMuchDeletedSaveNewName=In '%s' were %d persons deleted.\nSave as new name?
  1338. 1Person=1 person
  1339. xPersonen=%d persons
  1340. PersonIsOwnFather=Person is own father.
  1341. PersonIsOwnMother=Person is own mother.
  1342. PersonIsOwnBroSis=Person is own sibling.
  1343. PersonIsOwnSpouse=Person is own spouse.
  1344. PersonIsOwnChild=Person is own child.
  1345. PersonHasMarriedOwnFather=Person married own father.
  1346. PersonHasMarriedOwnMother=Person married own mother.
  1347. PersonHasMarriedOwnChild=Person married own child:
  1348. ParentsAreMixedUp=Parents are apparently switched.
  1349. WrongGenderFather=Wrong gender of father.
  1350. WrongGenderMother=Wrong gender of mother.
  1351. Child=Child
  1352. MarriedWithOwnBroSis=Person has married own spouse:
  1353. ChildIsOwnBroSis=Child is also sibling at the same time:
  1354. FatherIsOwnBroSis=Father is also brother at the same time:
  1355. MotherIsOwnBroSis=Mother is also sister at the same time:
  1356. LinksToSameBroSis=Two connections to same sibling:
  1357. BroSis=Siblings
  1358. SpouseWithSameGender=Note!\nSpouses have same gender:
  1359. DuplicateMarriage=Warning!\nApparently duplicate marriage entry:
  1360. MarriageDatesNotEqual=Wedding date [%s] is not identical to the date of marriage partner '%s' [%s]
  1361. MarriagePlacesNotEqual=Wedding place [%s] is not identical to place of marriage partner '%s' [%s]
  1362. Spouse=spouse
  1363. LinksToSameChild=Two connections to same child:
  1364. Parent=parent
  1365. ChildHasOtherParents=Child '%s' has already different parents:
  1366. InvalidBirthday=Invalid birth date
  1367. BirthdayInFuture=Date of birth lies in the future
  1368. InvalidChristday=Invalid baptism date
  1369. ChristdayInFuture=Baptism date lies in the future
  1370. InvalidConfirmday=Invalid consecration date
  1371. ConfirmdayInFuture=Consecration date lies in the future
  1372. InvalidDeathday=Invalid dying date
  1373. DeathdayInFuture=Dying date lies in the future
  1374. InvalidBurialday=Invalid funeral date
  1375. BurialdayInFuture=Funeral date lies in the future
  1376. BirthdayAfterChristday=Date of birth [%s] after baptizing date [%s].
  1377. BirthdayAfterConfirmday=Date of birth [%s] after Consecration date [%s].
  1378. BirthdayAfterDeathday=Date of birth [%s] after dying date [%s].
  1379. BirthdayAfterBurialday=Date of birth [%s] after funeral date [%s].
  1380. ChristdayAfterConfirmday=Baptizing date [%s] after Consecration date [%s].
  1381. ChristdayAfterDeathday=Baptizing date [%s] after dying date [%s].
  1382. ChristdayAfterBurialday=Baptizing date [%s] after funeral date [%s].
  1383. ConfirmdayAfterDeathday=Consecration date [%s] after dying date [%s].
  1384. ConfirmdayAfterBurialday=Consecration date [%s] after funeral date [%s].
  1385. DeathdayAfterBurialday=Dying date [%s] after funeral date [%s].
  1386. FatherLaterBornThanBirth=Birth of the father '%s' [%s] after own birth [%s].
  1387. FatherLaterBornThanChrist=Birth of the father '%s' [%s] after own baptism [%s].
  1388. FatherLaterBornThanDeath=Birth of the father '%s' [%s] after own dying date [%s].
  1389. FatherLaterBornThanBurial=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own funeral date [%s].
  1390. FatherLaterDiedThanBirth=Death of the father '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1391. MotherLaterBornThanBirth=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own birth [%s].
  1392. MotherLaterBornThanChrist=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own baptism [%s].
  1393. MotherLaterBornThanDeath=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own dying date [%s].
  1394. MotherLaterBornThanBurial=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own funeral date [%s].
  1395. MotherLaterDiedThanBirth=Death of the mother '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1396. MotherDiedBeforeThanBirth=Death of the mother '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1397. ChildBornBeforeOwnBirth=Birth of the child '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1398. TooYoungWhenChildBorn=At birth of the child '%s' [%d years] too young [< %d years].
  1399. TooOldWhenChildBorn=At birth of the child '%s' [%d years] too old [>%d years].
  1400. AgeDiffBroSisTooBig=Age difference of siblings '%s' [%d years] too big [>%d years].
  1401. InvalidMarriageday=Invalid date at %d. marriage [%s].
  1402. MarriagedayInFuture=Date with %d. marriage lies in the future [%s].
  1403. AgeDiffSpousesTooBig=Age difference of the spouses at %d. Marriage [%d years] too big [>%d years].
  1404. TooYoungToMarry=Age at %d. marriage [%d years] does not reach minimum age [%d years].
  1405. TooOldToMarry=Age at %d. marriage [%d years] too big [> %d years].
  1406. TooOldForChristening=Age at baptism [%d years] too big [> %d years].
  1407. TooOldForConfirmation=Age at consecration [%d years] too big [> %d years].
  1408. MarriedAfterDeath=Wedding date %d. marriage [%s] after dying date [%s].
  1409. MarriedAfterBurial=Wedding date %d. marriage [%s] after funeral date [%s].
  1410. MarriedBeforeBirth=Wedding date %d. marriage [%s] before birth date [%s].
  1411. FatherBornAfterMarriage=Birth of the father '%s' [%s] after own wedding [%s].
  1412. MotherBornAfterMarriage=Birth of the mother '%s' [%s] after own wedding [%s].
  1413. PersonTooOld=Person is too old [%d > %d].
  1414. OnyTwoUnderscoresInForename=Nicknames have to be marked by two underscores [%s].
  1415. UnknownGender=Person with unknown gender.
  1416. DuplicatePerson=Person appears more than once.
  1417. PersonWithoutLinks=The person does not have any connection to other persons.
  1418. FilexNotFound=File Nr.%d '%s' could not be found.
  1419. ExamineData=Check data...
  1420. LinksNotComplete=Connections are not complete.
  1421. NoProblems=No problems found.
  1422. Search=Search
  1423. Personsxxx=Persons...
  1424. SafetyFileFound=A backup file of the last session was found. \n\nShould it be opened?
  1425. PrintingCancelled=Print aborted.
  1426. NothingToPrint=Nothing to print.
  1427. ErrorWhileSaving=Error while saving file!
  1428. NoPrinterFound=Oops, no printer installed!\n \nTo create a preview at least one printer has to be installed.\n \nIt is not necessary that the printer is physically available!
  1429. CreatingTafel=Print Tree
  1430. CreateAhnentafelPage=Create ancestors tree (pages)
  1431. CreateAhnentafelPoster=Create ancestors tree (poster)
  1432. CreateStammtafelPoster=Create family tree (poster)
  1433. CreateSanduhrPoster=Create hourglass (poster)
  1434. ProblemCreatingTafel=A problem occured during creation of a tree. (maybe not enough memory) \nAlternatively you should try to select an other personal frame or create a smaller tree with less persons.
  1435. PrintingTafel=Print tree...
  1436. SaveAndSend=Save new family and send it?
  1437. ErrorCreatingEmail=Error while creating email.
  1438. CreatingStatistics=Create statistics...
  1439. ThisIsPagex=- this is page %d. -
  1440. GluePagex=Glue here page %d.
  1441. CutHere=Cut or fold here and glue to page %d.
  1442. SaveChangedFileAndSend='%s' was changed.\nSave family and send it than?
  1443. SameFatherAndMother=Father and mother are identical.
  1444. xPersonsLoaded=%d persons loaded.
  1445. XOfY=[%d of %d]
  1446. SmallGoto=go to...
  1447. SmallNewPerson=New person
  1448. XBytes=#,##0 bytes
  1449. NotFound=not found
  1450. MakeCopyOnStick=The file lies on an other disk. \n \nShould a copy saved on this removable disk?
  1451. MakeCopyOnHarddisk=The file lies on a removable disk. \n \nShould a copy saved on the local drive?
  1452. FileAlreadyExists=File already exist.
  1453. ErrorOnCopy=Error while copying.
  1454. ErrorOnAddFile=Error while adding the file!
  1455. SearchResult=Search results
  1456. BiggerSize=Zoom
  1457. OpenFile=Open file
  1458. RemoveLink=Should the entry be deleted?
  1459. InsertNewPartner=No spouse registered!\n\nRegister new partner?
  1460. InsertNewChild=Should a new child be registered?
  1461. InsertNewPerson=No person registered!\n\nRegister new person?
  1462. AreTheyMarried=Are ... \n \n  %s \n \n... and ... \n \n  %s \n \n... married to each other?
  1463. EnterMother=No mother registered! \n \nRegister mother now?
  1464. EnterFather=No father registered! \n \nRegister father now?
  1465. DeleteThisPerson=Should ...\n\n%s\n\n... really be deleted?
  1466. DeletePersonsWho=All persons should be deleted, which
  1467. NOT=NOT
  1468. SearchItems=the search words
  1469. Contain=contained
  1470. InTheFamily=in the family
  1471. AreContained=are contained.
  1472. DirectAncestors=(Direct) ancestor of
  1473. DescendantsOf=(Direct) descendant of
  1474. CompleteAncestors=(Complete) ancestor of
  1475. CompleteDescendants=(Complete) descendant of
  1476. RelativesOf=Relatives of
  1477. AreIncluded=Normally, nothing has to be changed here.
  1478. FillList=Fill List...
  1479. UserDefined=user-defined
  1480. 1Generation=1 generation
  1481. 10Generationen=10+ generations
  1482. XGenerationen=%d generations
  1483. BrokenLinksFound=Incomplete connections found! \n \nThe result while connecting persons together is better if no incomplete persons are present. \n \nShould therefore a plausibility check initiated?
  1484. MustTerminateToolFunc=A started function under 'Tools' has to be terminated first.
  1485. OverwriteFile='%s'\nexists already.\n\nShould the file be replaced?
  1486. male=male
  1487. female=female
  1488. unknown=unknown
  1489. WhereToSearchPics=Where do you want to search for pictures?
  1490. SearchPics=Search pictures...
  1491. NoPicsFound=No (new) pictures found.
  1492. XPicsFound=%d pictures found and added.
  1493. FamilyHasNoPics=The family does not contain pictures.
  1494. ErrorPrintingNavigator=Error. Navigator could not be printed.
  1495. HelpTopicNotFound=Help topic not found
  1496. WhereToCopyFotoAlbum=Where should the photo album be copied ro?
  1497. living=alive
  1498. dead=deceased
  1499. years=years
  1500. genders=Gender
  1501. gender=Gender
  1502. BirthName=Birth Name
  1503. BirthNames=Birth name
  1504. FirstNames=First name
  1505. FirstName=First name
  1506. Places=Places
  1507. Place=Place
  1508. Occupations=Occupations
  1509. Occupation=Occupation
  1510. Confessions=Religion
  1511. Confession=Religion
  1512. BigLiving=Living people
  1513. Status=Status
  1514. ChildCount=Number of children
  1515. AgeOfLiving=Age of persons alive
  1516. AgeOfDied=Age of persons deceased
  1517. AgeOfMarriageFemale=Age at marriage (female)
  1518. AgeOfMarriageMale=Age at marriage (male)
  1519. AgeFirstChildFemale=Age at birth of first child (female)
  1520. AgeFirstChildMale=Age at birth of first child (male)
  1521. SearchAndReplace=Search and replace
  1522. FirstPersonNotEntered=The first person is not registered ...
  1523. FirstPersonUnknown=The first person was not recognized ...
  1524. SecondPersonNotEntered=The second person is not registered ...
  1525. SecondPersonUnknown=The second person was not recognized ...
  1526. FirstPerson=1st Person (last name, first name)
  1527. SecondPerson=2nd Person (last name, first name)
  1528. MustEnterName=Name must be entered.
  1529. MustEnterAdressOrTelephone=Address or telephone number must be entered.
  1530. GEDCOM.ABT=ABT\~at,about,over,approx
  1531. GEDCOM.EST=EST\~estimated,approximately
  1532. GEDCOM.CAL=CAL\~computed,calculates
  1533. GEDCOM.BEF=BEF\~earlier,before,<
  1534. GEDCOM.AFT=AFT\~after,>
  1535. GEDCOM.FROM=FROM\~of,off,since
  1536. GEDCOM.AND=AND\~and
  1537. GEDCOM.TO=TO\~to,up to
  1538. GEDCOM.BET=BET\~between
  1539. LoadAhnFile=Load Ahnenblatt file
  1540. AddAhnFile=Add Ahnenblatt file
  1541. SaveAhnFile=Save Ahnenblatt file
  1542. LoadSearchWords=Load search terms
  1543. SaveSearchWords=Save search terms
  1544. ChooseOutputFile=Select output file
  1545. Save=Save
  1546. SaveGraphics=Save graphic
  1547. AhnFilter=Ahnenblatt file (*.ahn)|*.ahn
  1548. BakFilter=Backup file (*.bak)|*.bak
  1549. GedFilter=GEDCOM file (*.ged)|*.ged
  1550. CsvFilter=CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv
  1551. HpjFilter=Windows help (*.hpj)|*.hpj
  1552. HtmFilter=HTML file (*.htm)|*.htm
  1553. TtFilter=tiny tafel (*.tt)|*.tt
  1554. HtmWsFilter=HTML website (*.htm)|*.htm
  1555. PalmFilter=Palm website (*.htm)|*.htm
  1556. GedMlFilter=GedML (*.xml)|*.xml
  1557. Ged60Filter=Gedcom 6.0 (*.xml)|*.xml
  1558. SbFilter=search words (*.sb)|*.sb
  1559. AllFilter=all files (*.*)|*.*
  1560. SamFilter=AmiPro (*.sam)|*.sam
  1561. TxtFilter=Text file (* txt)|*.txt
  1562. TexFilter=TeX/LaTeX (*.tex)|*.tex
  1563. DocFilter=Microsoft Word (*.doc)|*.doc
  1564. RtfFilter=Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf
  1565. GbmFilter=Birthday reminder (*.gbm)|*.gbm
  1566. EmfFilter=Enhanced MetaFile (*.emf)|*.emf
  1567. WmfFilter=Windows MetaFile (*.wmf)|*.wmf
  1568. BmpFilter=Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp
  1569. GifFilter=GIF Image (*.gif)|*.gif
  1570. JpgFilter=JPEG file (*.jpg)|*.jpg
  1571. PngFilter=Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png
  1572. TifFilter=TIFF file (*.tif)|*.tif
  1573. PdfFilter=PDF file (*.pdf)|*.pdf
  1574. LoadFile=Loading file...
  1575. NoAhnenblattFile=No Ahnenblatt file!
  1576. NoAhnenblattFileWinAhnen=No Ahnenblatt file!\n \nCreated with the program 'WinAhnen'\n \nLoad the file in the original program and export it in the GEDCOM format. This can be opened with Ahnenblatt.
  1577. NoAhnenblattFileFamilienChronik=No Ahnenblatt file!\n \nCreated with the programm 'Familien-Chronik'.\n \nImport of this file only possible with limitations (see programm help).
  1578. NoAhnenblattFileAhnenCo=No Ahnenblatt file!\n \nCreated with the program 'Ahnen & Co 2.0'.\n \nLoad the file in the original program and export it in the GEDCOM format. This can be opened with Ahnenblatt.
  1579. CorruptAhnFile=Corrupt Ahnenblatt file!
  1580. AhnFileOpenError=Could not read Ahnenblatt file!
  1581. UnknownError=Unknown error [%d]!
  1582. CommentLineFound=Comment line '%s' found. [line %d]
  1583. EmptyLineFound=Space found. [line %d]
  1584. GedcomTagIgnored=%s was ignored. [line %d]
  1585. GedcomTagBecameSource=%s became Source '%s'. [line %d]
  1586. GedcomTagAddedToSource=%s added to Sources [line %d]
  1587. GedcomTagBecameInfo=%s became Notes '%s'. [line %d]
  1588. GedcomTagAddedToInfo=%s added to Notes [line %d]
  1589. FurtherNamedFatherIgnored=Additional father '%s' of '%s' was ignored. [line %d]
  1590. FurtherFatherIgnored=Additional father of '%s' was ignored. [line %d]
  1591. FurtherNamedMotherIgnored=Additional mother '%s' of '%s' was ignored. [line %d]
  1592. FurtherMotherIgnored=Additional mother of '%s' was ignored. [line %d]
  1593. NoGedcomFile=No GEDCOM file!
  1594. FileBeginsWithRedundantLines=File begins with redundant lines.
  1595. SourceProgram=Source program
  1596. CreationDate=Creation date
  1597. CharacterCoding=Character coding
  1598. NoCharacterCodingFound=No character coding found - ANSI is used.
  1599. Birth=Birth
  1600. Death=Death
  1601. Burial=Funeral
  1602. Christening=Baptism
  1603. Confirmation=Confirmation
  1604. Wedding=Marriages
  1605. PrematureEOF=Early file end - data incomplete!
  1606. OriginatorMissing=Specification of a creator is missing.
  1607. NumberOfPersons=Number of persons
  1608. OriginalFileName=Original file
  1609. OriginProgram=Source program
  1610. NoCsvFile=No CSV file!
  1611. NoKnownFileFormat=Unknown file format!
  1612. SaveFile=Save file...
  1613. AutoSaving=Autosave...
  1614. SaveCsvCouldCauseDataLost=If saved into CSV format, information could be lost.
  1615. SaveAsAhnFile=Should the family be saved in the Ahnenblatt file?
  1616. SaveAsGedcomFile=Should the family be saved as GEDCOM file?
  1617. ThisFileAlreadyExists='%s'\nexists already.\n\nShould the file be replaced?
  1618. Family=Family
  1619. ShouldCopyPictures=Should include picture/files be copied, too?
  1620. CopyPictures=Copy picture/files...
  1621. NameOfOriginatorNeeded=The file format requires the specification of a creator!
  1622. FileNotSaved=File was not saved!
  1623. Page=Page
  1624. MadeWith=Created with the program
  1625. NavigateHint=Click '>>' or 'Index' to get to the family data.
  1626. HelpFileMadeWith=This help file was created with the program %s by %s %s.
  1627. OverwriteAhnWithNoAhn=You tried to replace an GEDCOM file, which was not created by Ahnenblatt.\nBecause of possible data change or data loss, it is recommended to store the family under a different name or as an Ahnenblatt file.\n\nShould the family be saved as an Ahnenblatt file?
  1628. MissingLinkTo=Reference missing to
  1629. CouldNotOpenFile=File '%s' cannot be opened!
  1630. CouldNotFindFile=File '%s' not found!
  1631. NoFamilyAvailable=No family available!
  1632. PersonDoesNotExist=Person missing!
  1633. PrinterNotReady=Printer not available!
  1634. ProblemWhileSaving=Problem during saving '%s'!
  1635. DriveIsFull=Drive %s is full!
  1636. And=and
  1637. MadeWithNewerProgramVersion=This Ahnenblatt file was created with a newer program version. \nEventually portions of the data can not be read.\n\nTry to open the file anyway?
  1638. NoSearchWords=No search words available!
  1639. NoMatchFound=No match found.
  1640. xSearchWordsLoaded=%d search words loaded.
  1641. SortData=Sort data...
  1642. SortFinished=Sorting finished.
  1643. January=January
  1644. February=February
  1645. March=March
  1646. April=April
  1647. May=May
  1648. June=June
  1649. July=July
  1650. August=August
  1651. September=September
  1652. October=October
  1653. November=November
  1654. December=December
  1655. blessed=consecrated
  1656. MyFamily=My family
  1657. BirthdayList=Birthday list
  1658. NoPersonInBirthdayList=No persons found for birthday list.
  1659. Born=born
  1660. Christened=baptized
  1661. Died=died
  1662. Burried=buried
  1663. Father=Father
  1664. Mother=Mother
  1665. Marriages=Marriages
  1666. Children=Children
  1667. Infos=Notes
  1668. Sources=Sources
  1669. Religion=Church
  1670. GodParents=Godfather
  1671. NoPersonChoosenForPrinting=No person for printing selected.
  1672. PersonalSheets=Person sheets
  1673. CreatePersonalSheets=Create person sheet...
  1674. PersonalSheet=Person sheet
  1675. Stand=Date
  1676. In=in
  1677. With=with
  1678. AncestorList=Ancestors list
  1679. AncestorPeaks=Top-Ancestor
  1680. MainLine=Descendants line
  1681. MothersMain=Maternal line
  1682. xAncestorGen=%d. line of ancestors
  1683. DescendantList=Descendants list
  1684. MainList=Descendants list
  1685. CreateFamilyList=Create family list...
  1686. XChildrenOfNoY=%d children of No. %d
  1687. XChildOfNoY=%d child of No. %d
  1688. RelatedByMarriage=Related by marriage
  1689. Year=Year
  1690. NoPrinter=no printer
  1691. Cancelled=annulled
  1692. Cleared=released
  1693. Completed=consummate
  1694. Deceased=deceased
  1695. Infant=Infant
  1696. NotMarried=not married
  1697. Qualified=fulfills premises
  1698. StillBorn=stillborn
  1699. Uncleared=not released
  1700. EverythingReplaced=All terms replaced.
  1701. OpenOutputFileNow=Open output file?
  1702. ErrorWhileOpening=Error while opening file.
  1703. NoPersonEntered=No person entered ...
  1704. PersonIsUnknown=Entered person was not recognized ...
  1705. PersonFramesTooSmall=With %d generations per page (page format see ' File/Setup printer...') each individual person frame is only %d mm wide. \nYou should reduce the number of generations per page to increas the readability of the printout.\n \nPrint with the current settings?
  1706. NoDataSelected=No data selected under 'Data selection'\n\nPrint anyway?
  1707. AncestorSheet=Ancestors tree
  1708. Part=Part
  1709. Sheet=Tree
  1710. Pages=Pages
  1711. XPersonInBoard=%d person in tree
  1712. XPersonsInBoard=%d persons in tree
  1713. Frames=frames
  1714. MainBoard=Family tree
  1715. EqualizeData=Adjust data...
  1716. Statistics=Statistics
  1717. Rest=Rest
  1718. FromXPersons=with %d persons
  1719. Count=Number
  1720. HitListXPersons=Hits [%d persons]
  1721. NoPersonChoosen=No person selected ...
  1722. XFromY=%d of %d
  1723. PicNotFound=Picture/file not found
  1724. AhnFile=Ahnenblatt file
  1725. BackupFile=Backup file
  1726. GedcomFile=GEDCOM file
  1727. XFile=-File
  1728. Back=Back
  1729. Ignore=Ignore
  1730. OK=Ok
  1731. Cancel=Cancel
  1732. XProblemsFound=%d problem(s) found
  1733. Problems=Problems
  1734. XProblemsFixed=%d problems fixed.
  1735. BigGeneral=GENERALLY
  1736. BigIgnored=IGNORED
  1737. BigReplaced=REPLACED
  1738. BigTakeOver=ADOPTED
  1739. BigOther=OTHER
  1740. ValueIsNotNumveric=Entry for edge is not a correct numerical value!
  1741. DeleteFile=Should '%s' really be deleted?
  1742. MeltTogether=Merging
  1743. BigMeltedTogether=MERGED
  1744. BigNotMeltedTogether=NOT MERGED
  1745. BigStillToProof=STILL TO CHECK
  1746. AdjustGender=Adjust gender
  1747. SelectSamePersons=Selection of same persons
  1748. SelectedSamePerson=Same person selected twice.
  1749. XPairs=%d pair(s)
  1750. NoCssFile=no CSS file
  1751. ParentsMustDiffer=Parents have to be different.
  1752. ThisPersonMustBeSelected=One parent has to be '%s'.
  1753. FatherIsOwnChild=Father '%s' is own child.
  1754. MotherIsOwnChild=Mother '%s' is own child.
  1755. PlaceOfMarriage=Wedding place
  1756. SomeGEDCOMTagsCorrectedTRLR=Some GEDCOM-Tags have been corrected (i.e. TRAILER -> TRLR).
  1757. Start=Start...
  1758. Help=Help...
  1759. BackToStartpage=back to startpage
  1760. LoadedXFromY=Only %d of %d persons loaded.\n\nUse this incomplete data anyway?
  1761. Author=Author
  1762. PlaceFormat=Street,zip code,city,region,country
  1763. PosterPrintOn=Poster print at %s
  1764. ResizeBigPdfGraphic=The tree is too big for pdf export (height or width is bigger than 5080 mm).\n\nThe tree has to be resized.
  1765. XofYPersons=%d of %d persons
  1766. ValueIsNotNumeric=Value is not numeric!
  1767. TooManyGenerations=Canceled, because of too many generations.
  1768. CreateGroupIcons=Create a Start Menu folder
  1769. IconsForAllUsers=For all users
  1770. IconsForCurrentUser=For the current user only
  1771. Program=program
  1772. SampleFiles=sample files
  1773. Shift=Shift
  1774. Ctrl=Ctrl
  1775. Alt=Alt
  1776. TooManyDuplicatesInOneGeneration=More than %d duplicate persons in %d. generation (%d).\nIn the next generations duplicate persons won't be shown anymore.
  1777. HTMLPrivacyPolicyMessage=Because of 'private policy' is not activated, there will more data saved as intended.\nIf you are going to publish the data (e.g. internet), make sure, that all persons, who are concerned, agree.\n\nContinue anyway ...?
  1778. NeedAdminForFiletype=To link files with extension %s with Ahnenblatt, administrator rights are needed.
  1779. NoPicturesFound=The persons in the printing have no pictures.\n\nShould empty space reserved anyway?
  1780. FatherLaterBurriedThanBirth=Funeral of the father '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1781. MotherBurriedBeforeThanBirth=Funeral of the mother '%s' [%s] before own birth [%s].
  1782. Ahnenblatt-file=Ahnenblatt file
  1783. GEDCOM-file=GEDCOM file
  1784. GEDCOM.INT=INT\~interpreted
  1785. Ignore_NAME_Row=The column NAME will be ignored, if columns SURN/GIVN are filled.
  1786. Only_two_digit_years_found=It seems that all date were shortened.\n\nAll years have only two digits (%d).
  1787. NoSearchAreaSelected=No search options selected!
  1788. WaitingForSavingEnds=Waiting for the end of saving
  1789. StillSavingTryAgainLater=Saving is still in progress.\n\nTry again later.
  1790. NoGedcomCompatibleBirthday=No GEDCOM-compatible birthday
  1791. NoGedcomCompatibleChristday=No GEDCOM-compatible date of baptism
  1792. NoGedcomCompatibleConfirmday=No GEDCOM-compatible date of consecration
  1793. NoGedcomCompatibleDeathday=No GEDCOM-compatible date of death
  1794. NoGedcomCompatibleBurialday=No GEDCOM-compatible date of burial
  1795. NoGedcomCompatibleMarriageday=No GEDCOM-compatibility of date of %d. marriage [%s].
  1796. RemoveLink2=Should the connection to '%s' be deleted?
  1797. InsertNewPartner2=Should a new partner be added?
  1798. InsertNewPerson2=Should a new person be added?
  1799. EnterPerson=No person is entered!\n\nShould a new person be added now?
  1800. SvgFilter=SVG file (*.svg)|*.svg
  1801. Notes=notes
  1802. Media=media
  1803. Gedcom-SEX-M=male
  1804. Gedcom-SEX-F=female
  1805. Gedcom-SEX-U=unknown
  1806. General=General
  1807. Gedcom-QUAY-0=unreliable / estimated
  1808. Gedcom-QUAY-1=questionable
  1809. Gedcom-QUAY-2=secondary source
  1810. Gedcom-QUAY-3=certain / primary source
  1811. NewSource=new source
  1812. Selection=Selection
  1813. NoTextFound=No text entered.
  1814. Open=open...
  1815. OutOfMemory=Error: out of memory.
  1816. FieldMustBeFilled='%s' must be filled.
  1817. EditText=edit text...
  1818. Options=Options
  1819. CreateIt=create %s
  1820. EditIt=edit %s
  1821. SwapIt=exchange %s
  1822. RemoveIt=remove %s
  1823. AddNewOne=add %s
  1824. NothingChoosen=You must select a row.
  1825. FileName=file name
  1826. FilePath=directory
  1827. ChangeGenderAtRelatives=Gender has been changed.\n\nShall also changes in spouses (sex) and children (father / mother) be performed?
  1828. UnknownGedcomTagsToInfo=This GEDCOM was created by ...\n\n%s\n\n... and partly contains data for which Ahnenblatt does not have any own input fields.\n\nShould these data transferred to the notes/sources (instead of ignoring them)?
  1829. Searching=search...
  1830. BestAncestor=proposal of person (person with most direct descendants):
  1831. BestPedigree=proposal of person (person with most direct ancestors):
  1832. NoEventSelected=At least one event must be selected.
  1833. NoPersonFound=No persons found.
  1834. Birthdays=birthdays
  1835. Weddingdays=wedding anniversary
  1836. Deathdays=date of death
  1837. areliving=live
  1838. SelectBackgroundPicture=choose background picture
  1839. SelectProfileMale=choose profile picture male
  1840. SelectProfileFemale=choose profile picture female
  1841. FamilyList=Family list
  1842. SizeInfo=If a larger size is choosen,\nit may lead to problems\nwhen saving, depending on\nyour computers capacity.
  1843. ResInfo=For printings the\nresolution should at\nleast be 300 dpi.
  1844. GraphicsProblemWithMetaFile=Some persons frames and transparent images can not be saved within metafile files.
  1845. PartnershipCantDeleted=Partnerships with children can not be deleted.
  1846. MarriageCantDeleted=Marriages with children can not be deleted.\n\nChange this marriage to 'unmarried' instead?
  1847. FirstnameInfo=If not the first name is the preferred name,\nit can be marked by two underscores ...\nfirstname1 _preferred name_ firstname3
  1848. NoSaveFileSameName='%s'\nmust not be saved under same name.
  1849. ReadOnly=read only
  1850. NumberOfReplacedTerms=number of replaced terms: %d
  1851. TooMuchDetailsForCsv=Not all data can be saved in CSV format.\n\n%s\n\nMore details in program help.\n\nSave anyway?
  1852. NoFileSelected=No file is selected.
  1853. NoFileTypeSelected=No file type is selected.
  1854. ADOP=adoption
  1855. ANUL=annulment
  1856. BAPM=Baptism
  1857. BAPL=baptism (LDS)
  1858. BARM=bar mitzwa
  1859. BASM=bat mtzwa
  1860. BIRT=Birth
  1861. BLES=blessing
  1862. BURI=funeral
  1863. CALN=signature
  1864. CAST=Date
  1865. CENS=census
  1866. CHAN=change
  1867. CHAR=character set
  1868. CHIL=Child
  1869. CHR=Baptism
  1870. CHRA=adult baptism
  1871. CITY=city
  1872. CONF=confirmation
  1873. CONL=confirmation (LDS)
  1874. COPR=copyright
  1875. CORP=institution
  1876. CREM=cremation
  1877. CTRY=country
  1878. DATA=Data
  1879. DEAT=Death
  1880. DESC=descendants
  1881. DESI=interested person on descendants
  1882. ENGA=engagement
  1883. DIV=divorce
  1884. DIVF=filing of divorce
  1885. DSCR=physical description
  1886. EMIG=emigration
  1887. ENDL=blessing (LDS)
  1888. FACT=attribute
  1889. FAX=fax number
  1890. FCOM=first communion
  1891. FILE=File
  1892. FONE=audio version
  1893. FORM=Format
  1894. GRAD=graduation
  1895. HUSB=husband
  1896. IDNO=identification number
  1897. IMMI=immigration
  1898. LANG=language
  1899. LATI=latitude
  1900. LEGA=heritage
  1901. LONG=longitude
  1902. MAP=map
  1903. MARB=banns
  1904. MARC=marriage settlement
  1905. MARL=marriage license
  1906. MARR=marriage
  1907. MARS=marriage agreement
  1908. MEDI=media
  1909. NATI=nationality
  1910. NATU=naturalization
  1911. NCHI=Number of children
  1912. NMR=number of marriages
  1913. OCCU=Occupation
  1914. ORDI=ordinance (LDS)
  1915. ORDN=ordination
  1916. PEDI=Ancestors tree
  1917. PHON=telephone
  1918. POST=postal code
  1919. PROB=probate
  1920. PROP=possession
  1921. PUBL=publication
  1922. REFN=user-defined ID
  1923. RELA=relation
  1924. RELI=religion
  1925. REPO=place of keep
  1926. RESI=place of residence
  1927. RESN=confidential data
  1928. RETI=pension
  1929. RFN=record number
  1930. RIN=record identification number
  1931. ROLE=role
  1932. ROMN=romanized text form
  1933. SLGC=sealing to parents (LDS)
  1934. SLGS=sealing to spouse (LDS)
  1935. SSN=social security number
  1936. STAE=state
  1937. STAT=Status
  1938. SUBM=Creator
  1939. SUBN=submission
  1940. TEMP=temple (LDS)
  1941. TEXT=quote
  1942. TIME=time
  1943. VERS=Version
  1944. WAC=Preordinance (LDS)
  1945. WIFE=wife
  1946. WILL=testament
  1947. WWW=internet address
  1948. URL=internet
  1949. _BATCH=serial number
  1950. NAME=name
  1951. NPFX=title/prefix
  1952. GIVN=First name
  1953. NICK=nick name
  1954. SPFX=surname prefix
  1955. SURN=Birth Name
  1956. NSFX=suffix
  1957. TITL=title
  1958. DATE=date
  1959. PLAC=Place
  1960. SEX=Gender
  1961. EVEN=event
  1962. TYPE=type
  1963. CAUS=cause
  1964. SOUR=source
  1965. NOTE=note
  1966. QUAY=quality of data
  1967. ABBR=short name
  1968. ADDR=address
  1969. ADR1=address line 1
  1970. ADR2=address line 2
  1971. ADR3=address line 3
  1972. AFN=ancestral file number
  1973. AGE=age
  1974. AGNC=authority
  1975. ALIA=alias
  1976. ANCE=ancestors
  1977. ANCI=interested person in ancestors
  1978. ASSO=relation
  1979. AUTH=Author
  1980. EMAIL=Email
  1981. _NAME=contact person
  1982. _GODP=Godfather
  1983. OBJE=appendix
  1984. _WTN=witness
  1985. _WTN.TYPE.GODPARENT=godfather
  1986. _WTN.TYPE.WITNESS_OF_MARRIAGE=witness of marriage
  1987. _WITN=witness(es)
  1988. _MARNM=married name
  1989. FAM=partnership
  1990. DEST=recipient
  1991. EDUC=education
  1992. EMAI=Email
  1993. SelectGender=Gender must be choosen.
  1994. NoFather=no father
  1995. NoMother=no mother
  1996. PersonsHaveNoSameSex=Option 'same-sex' can only be set if both persons have the same gender.
  1997. DifferentGenderInSameSexParents=Parents with a same-sex partnership should have the same gender.
  1998. DifferentGenderInSameSexMarriage=Notice!\nPartners in same-sex partnership should have the same gender:
  1999. InvalidDivorceday=Date of divorce from %d. partner is invalid [%s].
  2000. DivorcedayInFuture=Date of divorce from %d. partner is in the future [%s].
  2001. MarriedAfterDivorce=Date of %d. marriage [%s] is after divorce [%s].
  2002. NoGedcomCompatibleDivorceday=Date of divorce of %d. partner is not GEDCOM compatible [%s].
  2003. NoMoreUnderscoresInGivenNames=No marking of preferred name with underscores within the first names [%s].
  2004. RufnameMustPartOfGivenNames=Preferred name must be one of the first names [%s/%s].
  2005. SelectStartPerson=Starting person
  2006. NoCorrectCsvFile=The CSV-file contains no usable data.
  2007. SelectNewPicFolder=Select the directory, where the pictures/files are located.
  2008. EmptyInBrackets=(empty)
  2009. NoPicsAssigned=No pictures/files were reassigned.
  2010. XPicsAssigned=%d pictures/files were reassigned.
  2011. XPicsCanBeCopied=%d pictures/files are located in different directories.\n\nShould they be copied in new directory now?
  2012. NoPlacesInFamily=There are no places within data.
  2013. XInternetFilesDownloadNow=%d files are in internet.\n\nShould they downloaded now?
  2014. DownloadFiles=download files...
  2015. XofYSuccessfullyDownloaded=%d of %d pictures/files downloaded into ...\n\n%s
  2016. XPicturesCopied=%d files copied into ...\n\n%s
  2017. XofYFilesDownloaded=%d of %d pictures/files downloaded into ...\n\n%s
  2018. Error=error
  2019. TargetDir=destination directory
  2020. _LOC=Administration of Places
  2021. XDataSets=%d data sets
  2022. 1DataSet=1 data set
  2023. DataSets=data sets
  2024. SomeConnectionsFailedREFN=Some connections could not be created, because %d REFN informations could not be assigned.
  2025. SomeConnectionsFailedNAME=Some connections could not be created, because %d names were not clear.
  2026. LineX=line %d
  2027. SomeConnectionsFailed=Some connections between persons could not be created.
  2028. XREFNCouldntFound=%d REFN informations not found.
  2029. XNAMECouldntFound=%d names not clearly found.
  2030. SameSexPartnership=Is this a same-sex partnership?
  2031. DeleteWeddingDivorceData=The wedding and divorce data will be deleted.
  2032. ChangePlaceQuestion=Name of place has changed and will adjusted on every related person.\n\nShould this change be done now?
  2033. AssignmentREFN=Assignments of persons basing on REFN-information.
  2034. AssignmentNames=Assignments of persons basing on full names.
  2035. TurnOffDefaultPics=Switch off standard pictures for all persons?
  2036. TurnOffPictures=Switch off picture for all persons?
  2037. SetStandardFrame=Switch to person's frame 'standard'?
  2038. UnknownProblemCreatingTafel=Problem occured while creating tree.
  2039. [WillkommenForm]
  2040. $CAPTION=welcome
  2041. CloseButton=close
  2042. AhnendateiLast=open last file
  2043. AhnendateiNew=create new Ahnenblatt file
  2044. AhnendateiAhn=open Ahnenblatt file
  2045. AhnendateiGed=open GEDCOM file (e.g. from other program)
  2046. AhnendateiSearch=seach family files on your computer
  2047. HilfeTippsZurEingabe=open help topic 'How to start entering your family data?'
  2048. Hilfe=open programs help file
  2049. TippDesTages=open tipp of the day
  2050. AhnenblattWebseite=open Ahnenblatt website
  2051. AhnenblattportalWebseite=open Ahnenblatt support website
  2052. ShowOnProgramStart=always show at startup
  2053. AhnenSamples=open sampel file
  2054. [QuelleAuswahlForm]
  2055. ButtonOK=OK
  2056. ButtonNein=Cancel
  2057. NeuePerson=new...
  2058. TntGroupBox1=available
  2059. [VolltextForm]
  2060. OK=OK
  2061. Abbruch=Cancel
  2062. [OrtsverwaltungForm]
  2063. $CAPTION=Administration of Places
  2064. OK=OK
  2065. Abbruch=Cancel
  2066. OrteGroupBox=Places
  2067. TntTabSheet1=Notes
  2068. TntTabSheet2=Sources
  2069. TntTabSheet4=Pictures/Files
  2070. PicUp.Hint=Picture up
  2071. PicDown.Hint=Picture down
  2072. PicAdd.Hint=Add Files
  2073. PicDel.Hint=Remove picture
  2074. TntExtendedImage1.Hint=Picture up
  2075. TntExtendedImage2.Hint=Picture down
  2076. TntExtendedImage3.Hint=Add Files
  2077. TntExtendedImage4.Hint=Remove picture
  2078. PicSheet=Pictures/Files
  2079. Panel1=(empty)
  2080. Vorschau.Hint=Zoom
  2081. InfoSheet=Info
  2082. Label10=File path:
  2083. Label11=Alternative path:
  2084. Label12=Size:
  2085. Label17=Format:
  2086. BilderListe.0=File
  2087. BilderListe.1=Notes
  2088. TntTabSheet3=Other
  2089. TntGroupBox2=postal code
  2090. TntGroupBox3=coordinates
  2091. TntLabel1=latitude:
  2092. TntLabel5=longitude:
  2093. NordSuedComboBox.0=north
  2094. NordSuedComboBox.1=south
  2095. OstWestComboBox.0=east
  2096. OstWestComboBox.1=west
  2097. TntTabSheet5=persons
  2098. TntGroupBox1=Place
  2099. TSAnmerkungen=notes
  2100. TSQuellen=Sources
  2101. TSBilder=Pictures/Files
  2102. TSSonstiges=Other
  2103. TSPersonen=persons
  2104. OrtsnameGroupBox=place name
  2105. OpenPictureDialog1=Add Files
  2106. OpenPictureDialog1.Filter=Windows Bitmap (* bmp)|*.bmp|Graphics Interchange Format (* gif)|*.gif|JPEG Image (* jpg, *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|Portable Network Graphics (* png)|*.png|TIFF Image (* tif, *.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff|All Pictures (* bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|Documents (* doc, *.rtf, *.pdf, *.odt, *.sxw)|*.doc;*.rtf;*.pdf;*.odt;*.sxw|Music File (* wav, *.mp3)|*.wav;*.mp3|Movie File (* avi, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.mov)|*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mov|All Files (*.*)|*.*
  2107. PreviewButton.Hint=Preview
  2108. TntButton1=new place
  2109. OKImage.Hint=confirm new name of place
  2110. [SearchFilesForm]
  2111. $CAPTION=search files
  2112. FileLabel=files:
  2113. TntGroupBox1=file type
  2114. AhnFiles=Ahnenblatt file (*.ahn)
  2115. GedFiles=GEDCOM file (* ged)
  2116. BakFiles=backup file (*.bak)
  2117. Start=start
  2118. OpenFile=Open file
  2119. Close=Close
  2120. Stop=stop
  2121. FileList.0=file name
  2122. FileList.1=date
  2123. FileList.2=size
  2124. FileList.3=persons
  2125. FileList.4=file type
  2126. FileList.5=directory
  2127. [EheForm]
  2128. $CAPTION=partnership
  2129. CGBEheVerheiratet=unmarried
  2130. GBEheHochzeit=Marriages
  2131. Label3=on
  2132. Label4=in
  2133. EheOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  2134. GBEheScheidung=divorce
  2135. TntLabel1=on
  2136. TntLabel4=in
  2137. ScheidungOv.Hint=Administration of Places
  2138. OK=OK
  2139. Abbruch=Cancel
  2140. SameSex=same sex
  2141. CGBEheScheidung=divorce
  2142. [PercentageForm]
  2143. SBtnCancel.Hint=Cancel
  2144. SBtnOK.Hint=Ok